in his essay+標題,X delivers a masterful dissertation that+文章的主旨…..By the end of the piece the reader will likely find themselves nodding in agreement with what X has to say,and this isn’t just because s/he’s right.X,like any good writer,employs O,P,and Q to plead with the audience to take his side.
這里的“O,P,and Q”為文章的論證手法,如:
-various reasons
-credible evidence
-meticulous diction
-effective structures
-effective rhetorical devices
-use of first person pronouns
Clear and multiple reasons empower the persuasiveness of this essay.The author includes such possible ailments to remind readers that...After revealing the first reason to..,the author transits smoothly to…Now the readers realize the second reason…is essential.X further strengthens his argument by mentioning…By reading this,readers would probably come to the revelation that…With three comprehensive and critical reasons,the author structures a solid argument that cannot easily be argued against.