


全國學習專線 8:00-22:00
中國頗具影響力的國際教育品牌。  秉承“中西教育優化結合,實施素質教育”的辦學理念  集幼兒園、小學、初中、高中為一體的高質量的國際教育體系  
您當前的位置: >重慶凱學網 >重慶培訓學校 >重慶楓葉國際學校教師團隊 >奈杰爾·奧斯汀


  • 姓 名: 奈杰爾·奧斯汀
  • 當前等級:特約主講
  • 所屬學校: 重慶楓葉國際學校
  • 授課類別:面授

  Nigel Austen is from the city of Victoria,British Columbia,Canada.Joining Maple Leaf Educational Systems in 2009,Nigel became Principal of Maple Leaf International School–Chongqing in 2015,and has also served as Deputy Principal at Maple Leaf International School–Tianjin TEDA,and BC Grade 10 Administrator at Maple Leaf International School Dalian.Previous to his roles in administration,he was Department Head of Social Studies at Maple Leaf International School–Dalian,and has taught history,social studies and English in China,Japan and Canada.Nigel has a Bachelor of Arts degree(history and political science)from the University of Victoria(UVIC),and Bachelor of Education and Master’s of Education degrees from the University of British Columbia(UBC).Nigel was awarded the Maple Leaf Medal of Honour Award for Educational Excellence in 2015.Nigel enjoys traveling the world with his wonderful wife Yoko and playing ice hockey in his free time.

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