


全國學習專線 8:00-22:00
讓學生在中國也能接受原汁原味的英美高中教育  美聯英語一直秉持體驗式英語的教學理念,以輕松靈活的教學方式  美聯線上和線下課程緊緊圍繞ACTS混合教學法  
您當前的位置: >重慶凱學網 >重慶培訓學校 >重慶美聯英語教師團隊 >Niki/萬宇佳


  • 姓 名: Niki/萬宇佳
  • 當前等級:特約主講
  • 所屬學校: 重慶美聯英語
  • 授課類別:面授


Niki/萬宇佳:類型:課程顧問  星座:射手座

  Hi there,right now you are looking at NIKI,SA from Jiangbei center.Looking back my life,the most correct choice I’ve ever made is learning English.It provides me a new view to observe the world.It enables me to experience a different life.Most importantly,I find a job.To find a job is easy,but to find a job that is right for you is not so easy.
  I was graduated from Chongqing Normal University.To be honest,I am talkative and outgoing.Maybe this is the reason why I have become a study advisor at Meten.To provide you with some western culture,to share some better methods of learning English and to enjoy the moment with you at Meten.What I wish the most is that you can get something here,do not just consider Meten as a place to study English,but a place for fun,for joy,for happiness,and for achievements.
  There is NO shortcut to learn English,just study hard and try your best efforts to learn English.As is known to all,where there is a will,there is a way.

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滬ICP備12032008-6 網站地圖 注冊 登錄 招生合作 版權/投訴 免責聲明 更新時間:2024-12-29